I’ve had a great time being part of the Sumner lab at the University of Bristol but as my contract comes to an end, I have accepted a position at the University of California to work with Quinn McFrederick looking at symbionts in wild bees.
Bristol has provided me with a wealth of experience looking at next generation sequence data and getting to grips with some of the latest bioinformatics programs. In addition, I’ve met and learnt from some amazing scientists at Bristol.
This list should give an idea of the diversity of experiences I’ve had in my year at Bristol:
David Attenborough, Salmon, Grillstock, QIIME, white bear, EMBL, longevity, Dairy cow onesies, new buildings, Pints of science, bird nests, SNPs, invasive ants, Proactis, Halle, CT rooms, cryinformatics, bumblebees, Liverpool, Playground outreach, Coffee, wasps, fire-drills, Super-B, HotSHOTs, Festival of Nature, Stacks, parasites, Tuxedo, TGAC, Didcot and the NERC Awards.
Back left to right: Peter Graystock, Patrick Kennedy, Robin Southon, Emily Bell, Daisy Taylor, Sam Duckerin, Adam Devenish. Front left to right: Seirian Sumner, Aoife Glass