On Saturday 11th Feb, David and I climbed to the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro, the highest free standing mountain in the world. Tired and cold, knowing how much we were raising for the ME association kept us going.
Having now got home, uploaded the photos, and recovered from itchy mosquito bites, peeling skin and yearnings for KFC, we’re pleased to have reached our charity target for the ME association! The ME association has received over £1000 in donations plus an additional £195.87 in gift aid from our justgiving page which we find phenomenal and far surpasses our expectations! Thank you all so much for this significant contribution which we hope goes along way to helping ME sufferers and we also hope by doing this, we have further raised awareness for ME/CFS.
The donation page will remain open for a short time so if you wish to further add to our success, then please do so! http://www.justgiving.com/pete-david-kilimanjaro